Samunnati is committed to providing powerful experiential learning to corporate employees, hospitality and healthcare professionals, teachers, parents and students who aspire to grow and achieve their potential. It is also our endeavor to help individuals overcome psychological issues like stress, depression, anger, etc through personal counseling.
Modern life is filled with negative conditions and has an overwhelming focus on the outer world. It's common for people to be doing Multi-tasking, having fragmented attention, and often leaves us with a feeling of overloaded. In such conditions, it's essential to pay attention to healthy eating choices & eating habits.
This is all about physical health however it's important to maintain a balance between our physical health and mental health. A healthy mind emerges from the linkage of different components of the body. For example,
Like our physical health, our mental health is also created in our lifestyle with positive habits. However many people neglect a daily regimen necessary for mental wellbeing.
So what would be an equivalent daily diet for a healthy mind?
They designed a ‘7daily activity list’ to optimize the brain and create well-being. By engaging every day in each of these activities, enable our brain to coordinate and balance its activities. These mental activities strengthen your brain's internal connections and your connections with other people and the world around you.
Well-being is the experience of health, happiness, and prosperity. It includes having good mental health, high life satisfaction, a sense of meaning or purpose, and ability to manage stress. More generally, well-being is just feeling well.
What are the components of well being?
Well-being emerges from your thoughts, actions, and experiences — most of which you have control over. For example,
1. When we think positive, we tend to have greater emotional well-being.
2. When we follow meaningful and positive relationships we tend to have better social well-being.
3. When we lose our job — or just hate it — we tend to have lower workplace well-being.
These examples start to reveal how broad well-being is, and how many different types of well-being there are.
Because well-being is such a broad experience, let's break it down into its different types.
1. Emotional Well-Being: The ability to practice stress-management techniques, be resilient, and generate the emotions that lead to good feelings.
2. Physical Well-Being: The ability to improve the functioning of your body through healthy eating and good exercise habits.
3. Social Well-Being: The ability to communicate, develop meaningful relationships with others, and maintain a support network that helps you overcome loneliness.
4. Workplace Well-Being: The ability to pursue your interests, values, and purpose in order to gain meaning, happiness, and enrichment professionally.
5. Societal Well-Being: The ability to actively participate in a thriving community, culture, and environment.
1. Emotional Well-Being.
2. Physical Well-Being.
Unfortunately, it's possible to eat healthy but still be unhealthy. We can accidentally m
3. Social Well-Being.
4. Workplace Well-Being.
Because we spend so much time at work, building our workplace well-being has a big impact on our overall well-being.
5. Societal Well-Being: To develop societal interconnected with all things
Often we are conditioned and have been living a pattern of live for a large period of time. This includes our thinking pattern, our value, sense of right and wrong, sense of possible and impossible, which largely craft our personality. This creates our comfort one and in rush bush of our life miss out on stretching the limit which could add new skills..
These skills are not to build a new career, make money, buy a house or an expensive car or the latest electronic gadget but this includes building positive relationship with our partner and family, giving back to society, feeling happy and satisfies, and the most important ‘Purpose of Life’.
We human being are always focus on 2 kinds of need: Emotional Need and Business need.
We invest most of our time in satisfying our Business need like: career, house, car, foreign degree for our children but what we do not focus is our emotional need such as feeling purposeful, feeling life satisfaction.
Well Being Skills helps you to achieve the both needs and helps you balance yourself in this fast moving lives.
It is certainly possible to increasing well-being level. Before starting this journey the foremost is to understand our current well being level. It will have 2 major steps l have 2
Step 1: Identify the parts of well-being which are most important for us (individually). The self assessment will identify the areas which need attention. There after we could simply learn the required skills to increase the level.
Step 2: How exactly to build well-being skills which always requires external help. Thereafter we could choose our respective wellbeing package with the right combination. (Emotional, Physical, Social, Workplace, &Societal Well-Being)
However we must understand that it’s a process of ‘unlearn and relearn’ which is not going tobe a cake walk.
We all lead a very hectic life these days. On an average we work for 10-12 hours a day (our of 24 hours). The 3 major reasons for stress are :
These 3 contributors gives birth to most of the live events: positive or negative. Mostly we handle these stress situations only by discussing with our friends and family where we end up listening to more stories and experiences.
Often our situations varies from individual to individual, family to family and case to case basis. Hence these discussion could give us some random ideas and tips to handle but not a structured plan based on scientific practices. Practically we do not take any concrete steps or learn a new set of skills to handle these situations well.
Where in these are reasons of our extreme, stress, anxiety, depression, ill health, low life satisfaction and lower level of well being. We all can be benefitted from building well being.
These life events looks so simple and common that we never work on them:
Personal Relationship: Adult and Youth |
Workplace Relationship: Adult and Youth |
Career: Youth |
Career: Adult |
Finance |
Career: Role of Society in our life : |
Most of the research suggests that growth mindset or a positive attitude increase our motivational level which impacts individual well being level. It’s often found out in research, the more motivated we are to build well-being skills, the greater the impact and the benefit.
With our experience as a learning organization, we understand that often people find it difficult to build the mindset as compare to skill set, while working on a new habit/behavior/ life style.
Hence our packages focus mindset and skill set transformation to achieve optimum level of well being. It’s also essential for individuals to build the mindset all want to achieve all five kinds of well-being.
To maintain identify our needed areas of well being, build the required well being skills in the respective areas and lastly to maintain or improve the well being level is a complete process. , It's important to have well deigned plan with adequate strategies and tools to undergo the complete change process.
The focus of our packages are Mental well being + Physical well being = Well being
The packages are primarily based on scientific methods of Positive Psychology- Coaching and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy- Counseling sessions to handle all the five areas of our well being: emotional, physical, social, workplace, & societal Well-Being.
Additional they are complimented by various proven practices such as :
The packages also have specialized team of nutritionist, fitness consultant, yoga experts and supported by alternate medicine professionals like ayurveda, naturopath for achieving positive lifestyles.
hat help you stick to your well-being goals — for example, a happiness and well-being plan or a well-being boosting activity that you can continue to use throughout your life.
Why? We all already know it well. This theory is applicable to any new change which we want to include in our life. This is applicable to medical conditions, or behavioural change. The most common example is if we stop doing exercise, eating healthy food, or keep the nutrient level balanced, we will gain weight & could develop diseases as well.
Same way it is applicable to well-being practices as well. If we want to enjoy the benefits we gained, its essential for us to engage ourselves in well-being-boosting practices. Hence random activities cannot give desired results.
There Is No Magic About Building Well-Being
Keep in mind, it takes time and effort to build any new skill set — that includes well-being skills. It's important to be realistic with yourself about what you can reasonably accomplish in a given amount of time. Having unrealistic expectations can lead you to give up before you've reached your well-being goals.
So our well being packages are designed keeping a realistic plan for our well-being so that we could stick to it, and take small actions every day that add up to big improvements up over time.
The most common well being aspect is maintaining work-life balance which people are struggling to handle. The truth is, we all struggle, and new struggles can and will pop up, even if you're doing well.
But the longer we've worked on strengthening our well-being skills, the easier it is to be resilient, take the actions needed to bounce back, and continue moving forward.
Growing our well-being is a life transforming activity and it is totally worth it.